Ordering steps

Step 1

Step 1

Products are ordered by clicking Add to cart if you are browsing our product catalogue, or you can search for a product by a product number and click on Add to cart.

Step 2

When you have chosen all the products that you want to buy, go to cart that can be found at the top of your screen,

Step 2

Step 3

Step 3

After adding all products to cart, you can complete an order by clicking Complete order.

Step 4

If you have an account, log in, or create an account by clicking the Register button. Also, you can order selected products as a GUEST, by clicking the NASTAVI KAO GOST

Step 4

Step 5

Step 5

Here, you should fill out all inputs, except the ones marked with (optional). Then by clicking ORDER , your order will be forwarded to our team
Also, you will get an Email that confirms the order with a proinvoice attached.

Step 6

Shortly, you will be contacted by our operator and you two will discuss the details regarding delivery, advance payment, delivery time and assembly

Step 6

Step 7

Step 7

All orders over €100 require the customer to pay an advance in order to confirm their order.

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